Discover, Connect, Celebrate!

Whether you’re seeking education, connection, inspiration, or even just good eats, we’ve got something for everyone. We’re excited to offer a variety of programs and events that target every age, stage and interest. Have a look at our events calendar below and see what fits your interests.


First Friday

MAY 10 | 6:30 PM | FREE ENTRY

First Friday at Chabad is a monthly community gathering where we pray, schmooze, and enjoy time together. Come once or make it a monthly habit–whatever you choose, it’s a great way to celebrate Shabbat, make new friends, say hello to familiar faces and take part in the community.

Shabbat Day at Chabad

SATURDAY | MAY 25 | 10:00 AM

Shabbat Day at Chabad is a gathering where we pray, schmooze, and enjoy time together. Come enjoy community services, and a beautiful Shabbat lunch while making new friends, saying hello to familiar faces and taking part in the Escondido Jewish community. 

Jewish Women’s Circle:
Israeli Dance Party

THURSDAY | MAY 9 | 7:30 PM 

Join the Jewish Women's Circle of Escondido for a warm and loving evening of guided Israeli dancing. The night will be filled with heart as we celebrate our heritage!

Bagels Lox & Tefillin (BLT) Club

SUNDAY | MAY 12 | 9:00AM-10:00AM

Grab a Sunday morning BLT - but don’t worry, this one’s totally kosher. Our Bagels, Lox, and Tefillin Club meets on the third Sunday of every month to wrap Tefillin, catch up with the guys, and enjoy an epic bagel brunch with all the trimmings. 

Prayer at Sunrise


Do you wish you prayed more? Or do you wish you even knew how to pray? This series will be an opportunity to learn the words of age old prayers, understand their meaning, and delve deep into their relevance in our lives. We will connect, meditate, sing and dance. You can have all the experience praying or non at all! All levels will benefit. If you wish for your Tuesdays to be caffeinated in mind, body and soul you know where to be at 6:15am.

Shabbat Dinner


Join us for a delicious 3-course dinner with (if we can say so) top-notch company. Our weekly Friday night Shabbat dinners are the perfect way to wind down, reconnect, and enjoy a meaningful Shabbat experience with family and friends. Please click the button below and fill out the form to reserve your spot at the next available Shabbat dinner.

One-on-One Jewish Study


Would you like to explore a specific topic of interest? Learn about our heritage, our beliefs, history, Jewish philosophy or any topic of your choice with Rabbi Meir or Chevy in a one-on-one session customized to your interests. Please click the button below to fill out the form and start exploring your interests!